

Meaningful photography deeply influenced by the human connection

We Believe in...

Capturing your love in an authentic way that showcases your unique personalities. We promise to create a laid-back and chill environment while still being on top of things so that you feel assured everything is under control. Our goal is to capture the essence of your day in artful photos that give you that good ol' nostalgic feel every time you look back at your legacy.

days since tearing up while editing a wedding


years shooting weddings


couples captured


We've had the honor & privilege to be a part of some pretty awesome peoples' lives. 

  • an expert third wheel
  • Hype man for your wedding
  • Plant dad and real dad
  • Iced Coffee

A bit more about me:

We got a whole lot of passion for the lives we touch and moments we share.

I grew up in Oahu, Hawaii. The towering Koolau mountain range and pristine waters in Kaneohe is where I spent a lot of my life. I have my grandfather to thank for this spur into photography. He had many film cameras and camcorders. Stacks of cassettes and photographs strewn across the walls of rooms and halls we ran and played. Grandpa documented all of our family's moments with love. I hope to do the same for you.

Hey, I'm Trevor.

oahu photographer

Meet my fam: